Welcome to the world of a crazy, totally geeky weirdo made out of 90% tea and 10% witty repartee. Model, Kink Enthusiast, Spicy Accountant and Sex Educator.
Let’s Do the BDSM Test!
Let’s Do the BDSM Test!

Let’s Do the BDSM Test!

If you want to know more about you as a kinkster, or even just you as a sexual being, then a good place to start is The BDSM Test. The BDSM test is exactly what it says on the tin, and will ask you a series of questions on activities associated with kink, BDSM and sex in general. All the questions are answered on a sliding scale to give the most accurate results. Even if you don’t think you are kinky at all, or you think you know your kinks pretty well, it’s a good tool to explore and see a side of yourself you may never have considered before. I tend to make it a practise to do this test at least once a year, and the results change a lot based on my own headspace, the relationships I’m in and whither I’m feeling more dominant or submissive in that time.

For those of you interested here are my results from the 15/06/22:

So the results in green are things I am really into, with the colour changing down to amber then red if you are really not into something. Last time I did this, I did have a few things in red, but this time I seem to be in a more open headspace kink wise, and so it just varies from bright green to amber.

As usual, I am not overly surprised by the position of “Exhibitionist”. That is usually one of my top three in the test and… well… given what I do for a living it should come as no surprise that I get off on being watched! “Rope-Bunny” is a little higher than normal for me, but that’s probably easily explained by the fact that I’ve been working on learning basic shibari techniques. There might also be a higher amount of bondage/suspension in my porn choices at the moment, which will contribute to that one. “Switch” (someone who is both a dominant and submissive) is another one that is no real surprise to be near the top.

The one that definitely surprised me was the position of “Boy/Girl.” Although DDLG is a kink of mine, I have never really considered myself to be a “Little”, but I guess that is something I should consider. I think I’ll have to come back to this one in a post of its own once I’ve had time to think about it more. I will admit though that I do have a side of me that finds comfort in regression

“Non-monogamous” is another no brainer if you’ve read other parts of my blog. I’m still trying to figure out my where I lie in the open relationship/poly sphere of things, however, I have no issues sharing a partner or being shared by a partner. In fact I can’t imagine living in a sexually closed relationship again.

As for the bottom ones (if you can call middle ground the bottom), I’m not surprised by “Owner” being so low. The reason for this is for the simple reason that I only enjoy that style of dynamic if I know it is what my partner craves. If they really want that, or it’s in a professional setting, then I can get right in that headspace and enjoy it. My nature runs more towards “Mummy Domme” because of my strong caregiver side. Same thing goes for “Degrader”. If my partner, paid or personal, enjoys it then so will I, but otherwise it just isn’t something I go towards by nature. Honestly, I would have thought “Master/Mistress” would have been higher than “Owner” but there isn’t exactly much in it, so I won’t nit-pick.

I am NOT a “Slave” in the bedroom, so that is very accurate.

Vanilla at 40% does actually surprise me, because recently there has been a big part of me that has really enjoyed the gentle, simple touches and soft love-making sex that comes with a trusted, regular partner. People come down on that sort of thing, acting like being “vanilla” is boring, but although I would never want vanilla sex all the time, I will happily admit it is one of my favourite types of sex and doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Sometimes just a gentle snugglefuck is the best medicine! Argue with me if you want, but I’ll die on that hill!

There you have it! Those are my results, and I hope you will go and do the test yourself. It is really interesting and fun to see where your headspace is sex and kink wise. It says a lot about where I am at the moment that all of the categories are quite high in percentage. I’m definitely in an exploring place just now and frustrated by the lack of good events and munchies in Scotland. On the positive side I do have someone in my life I am having amazing sex with, and that’s a net positive!

I’m going to redo this in six months, so we can see how much has changed in that time and where my kinks sit then!

Lots of love and snuggles,

Kitty xxx

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  1. Pingback: BDSM Test- What’s Changed Since 2022! – Curious Kitty's Lair

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