Welcome to the world of a crazy, totally geeky weirdo made out of 90% tea and 10% witty repartee. Model, Kink Enthusiast, Spicy Accountant and Sex Educator.
It’s That Time Again- BDSM Test 2024
It’s That Time Again- BDSM Test 2024

It’s That Time Again- BDSM Test 2024

As is now surely traditional, we are at that time of the year where I retake the BDSM Test. Why do I repeat it every year? Well, that’s simple enough to answer. I do it because as humans we are constantly evolving in our desires and checking in with yourself is healthy! You can find last years test and analysis here, but if you can’t be bothered reading that first it’s fine! I’ll be doing a comparison between last years results and this years results in this post, so you won’t be missing much. Without further ado, lets find out what sort of freaky sexy nonsense is currently making my brain go purrrr!

Results from 2023

Lets start with a quick look back at what 2023 said about my deviant nonsense, starting with the top three. Last year was a bit of an unexpected one for my top three, because in previous years my top results had always been Exhibitionist, Non-Monogamous and Switch. Rope Bunny and Primal Prey sneaking into the top three was a twist I didn’t see coming at all. My prediction for this years top three would probably be seeing Exhibitionist creeping back into the top three. Outside of that I’m actually not sure! It’ll be a fun surprise I guess.

Last year Boy/Girl and Ageplayer snuck up a fair bit in my results, and I’d expect them to also be high this year. I’m so much more comfortable in my “Little” space now than I have ever been, and I find the self-soothing aspect of childlike play to be very healing. There are few things better than making my inner child happy, and if that includes building Lego, cuddling my Pokémon plushies and having a Marvel duvet cover for when I want to snuggle myself into a cocoon, then that’s what I’m going to do.

I don’t expect Dominant to have moved up much over the last year. Outside of work and content creation I’ve been about as dominant as a dormouse lately. The last year has been a hard one, and when I’ve been intimate in my personal life ( hi Daddy 😉 ) I’ve had no real inclination towards my domme side. I spend all of my time in my day to day life having to be strong, in control and having to wear this protective emotional armour all of the time. Letting go of all of that weight and letting myself be vulnerable with someone for a while is the food I need for my soul. So I’m not going to be overly surprised if Submissive comes up a little more, and I think Brat will probably sneak up a smidge too. There is something fun about being a teasing little Brat, and the following punishments for being naughty are pretty fun too!

In terms of the bottom three, I don’t expect there to be anything in the red. In the grand scheme of things there isn’t much that gives me the active ick in this quiz, and I don’t think I’ve ever had anything lower than about 40%. I would think Master/Mistress would probably be quite low again, for the same reason as last year, because I’m much more a caregiver style Mummy Domme than I am into being a domineering Mistress. I’d also expect Sadist to be quite low. I do have a sadistic streak but it’s in hibernation just now, probably in the same blanket fort as my dominant side.

Now we’re going to do some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff and I’m going to do the quiz for this year. You guys don’t need to wait though! You can just scroll. Much more convenient than a TARDIS really isn’t it? 😉

2024 Results

The results are in and for the second year in a row the top three has surprised me! Rope Bunny at number one is not something I saw coming. I do love being restrained, and I love being tied, but I wouldn’t have thought it would grab first place. I don’t get tied very often, apart from getting to be a practice bunny for my bestie and playing about with some basic self-ties, so yeah, colour me surprised by that one! Although I do love being restrained with hands. Being pinned against a wall by someone who can completely overpower me and utterly ruined is something akin to seeing god! Excuse me while I have horny flashbacks in the corner for a while… Ok I’m done now :-P.

Now I am really shocked by Voyeur being in the top three, not because I don’t enjoy watching others play, but because it was ahead of Exhibitionist! I do like watching, but I would say I like being watched more. I know there is only 1% between the two of them and I’m probably being a bit picky about it, but come on! Given what I do for a living I definitely would have thought exhibitionist would have smashed voyeur out of the park, especially given how much I get off on being watched when I cam. I think this might be the first time I kind of disagree with the result. I would have expected Switch, Non-Monogamous or even Submissive to be in the top three above Voyeur. Mind you, I do enjoy watching and I do have some cuckquean fantasies that may be pushing that kink forward. I guess it’s something to explore further!

Brat creeping up by almost 20% was another surprise! I did think it would go up, but not by that much. I thought I was much more a good girl, but I won’t pretend I don’t like being a brat and being pushed into submission occasionally. I’m definitely a tease as well. There is something exciting and delicious about winding Daddy up with random selfies or horny thoughts, knowing I’m driving him nuts so he gets me back for it later. I would say that’s my preferred form of bratting. Being a tease and torment, then being more of a good girl in person once he gets his hands on me… so maybe that jump up isn’t as much of a surprise.

Switch, Primal (Prey) and Submissive being in the 90%s is pretty much what I expected, so I’m not going to comment too much on them. Non-Monogamous, Boy/Girl and Ageplayer are also around the same ballpark as last year. The results get interesting again around the middle, with Slave having jumped up a fair bit this year. As a general rule, I would have said I’m not into that style of d/s relationship, as either a domme or as a submissive. However, being (consensually) used as three holes and a set of tits for the pleasure of a partner is hot as fuck! I’ve also been getting pretty deep into my consensual-non-consent erotica and mind control kinks again lately. So yeah, as a nice change of pace, I’m down for a touch of sexual slavery to a trusted partner. As long as it is appropriately discussed and negotiated with limits and safewords in place of course 🙂

Now the bottom of my results is clearly screaming from the rooftops that my domme side is hardcore in hibernation. As much as I prefer being a Mummy Domme when I’m in that headspace, I don’t think that Master/Mistress has ever been that low! Actually I don’t think any of my results have ever been that low, so I think that says more about where I am in my personal sex life than any of the other results. I may create content as a dominant, but at the moment I am very much in camp Submissive Sex Kitten, and I’m quite content there thank you very much. I didn’t expect Vanilla or Experimentalist to be so low, but I need to keep reminding myself that there isn’t anything in this test that is actually “low” in any real sense of the term.

So overall what have I learned about my current deviant headspace? The biggest takeaway from this years BDSM test is that I am currently submissive as Fuuuuucckk. I thought that would be the case, but it’s almost funny seeing it in this format. Four or five years ago, I was a very balanced Switch and moved pretty fluidly between the two. I don’t think past Kitty would have ever thought she’s be comfortable enough to really indulge fully in her submissive cravings the way I do now. I had a lot of shame surrounding feeling submissive when I was younger, as well as a deep fear of being vulnerable. It’s nice to be in a position now to work through that and see myself developing year on year towards feeling comfortable in all facets of my sexual identity. It’s nice to see changes happening, even in something as small as my BDSM test results.

Now if you are so inclined, go do your own test and let me know if you have changed for you since last year! Or, if you’ve never done the test before, check it out and let me know if you agree with your results.

Love and Snuggles

Kitty xxx

If you’d like to spoil me to tea and cake when I’m writing my next blogpost, you can check out my Throne Wishlist Here <3 xxx

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