Welcome to the world of a crazy, totally geeky weirdo made out of 90% tea and 10% witty repartee. Model, Kink Enthusiast, Spicy Accountant and Sex Educator.
BDSM Test- What’s Changed Since 2022!
BDSM Test- What’s Changed Since 2022!

BDSM Test- What’s Changed Since 2022!

Good day you kinky weirdos! If you’ve been following me for a while then you’ll remember that last year I did the BDSM test and wrote about the results on my blog. If not then you can find that particular post here if you’d like to refresh your memory. Even if you don’t want to, part of what I’ll be doing today is looking at what has changed in terms of my kinks over the last year, so if you’re feeling lazy it’s all good bestie, I got you! Now as I said in the previous blog, I think it’s important to assess your sexual kinks every year or so. Us humans are in a constant state of development and evolution in terms of our likes, dislikes, fantasies and desires. It’s interesting to give yourself a once over every so often and see how you’ve changed. So will we get started?

Above is last years results. My top three historically were always Exhibitionist, Non-Monogamous and Switch. Last years was slightly different, with Rope Bunny coming up second, probably because I’d taken a few beginners shibari classes during that period and it was fresh in my mind. Boy/Girl was surprisingly high, because I had never considered myself to be much of a Little. My expectations for this years test is for it to be roughly in the same place because I have explored it more and quite enjoy being in Little headspace. I am definitely developing this childlike safe space and enjoying more of the things that a child me would love. Like turkey dinosaurs for dinner and pokemon plushies on my bed. You don’t like it, you can fight me! My inner child is playing, let her be happy!!

Non-Monogamous was still high in 2022, but probably not as high as in previous years. I would expect that to be the same or maybe slightly lower for this test because I’ve been working through the idea that I might be Demisexual (that’s another looonnggg blog post for another time). Dominant came in ever so slightly higher than Submissive last year. Honestly, I think this time it will be the other way around and maybe by a larger margin. I’ve definitely been in a more vulnerable headspace and that tends to bring out my submissive side strongly. Especially when I call my playmate (M) Daddy in bed, and he is very much the dominant. Most of my Domme work tends to be professional and online exclusive these days, and I’m ok with that just now.

Everything else, I’m sure will be floating around the place in some sort of order, but that’s my guesses for how this years test will come out. So I’m going to go do the test, and you can can just scroll down because you guys don’t have to wait in real time while I do things. Lucky sods 😛

Ok, so much like last year there isn’t much in the amber zone and nothing in red. So it’s just high to middle ground. That seems to be fairly standard for me. Nothing is overly giving me the ick. Let’s start from the top. Again, Switch is at the very top ! Kind of surprised it is so high given how submissive I’ve been feeling, but since I know I wouldn’t be happy without both roles in my life, I guess it makes sense to be the highest aspect of my sexuality. The next two surprised me through! I’ve not experimented with rope or being tied up much at all over the last year, and although it is definitely up there in my fantasies and porn searches, it’s not something I’ve had any opportunity to do… maybe I should change that! Primal (Prey) being higher than Exhibitionist is unexpected. Even though I’m pretty feral levels of sexually frustrated right now, I wouldn’t have expected it to knock Exhibitionist out of the top three.

Boy/Girl as expected has taken a jump up a few points. I’m definitely feeling my Little space just now, along with a little bit of a tendency towards being a Brat, although that has dropped a fair bit to 75% from 85%. I guess I’m more obedient than I’d like to think! Turns out I was right about the Submissive and Dominant traits having a bigger gap, but I honestly didn’t expect Submissive to jump up to 91% and Dominant drop to 71%. Now, I know I am much more submissive just now in what I want in my personal sex life, but I didn’t think it would offset my professional Mummy Domme side so much! Turns out I’m currently just a wannabe submissive good girl (only for Daddy though 😉 )

I’m not surprised that Non-Monogamous dropped a few points, as I said above, I’m working through a lot of stuff right now regarding my mental health and my sexuality, so its to be expected. I still couldn’t imagine myself in a completely closed relationship, but right now I’m content with the situation I am in with the guy in my life, and any others we bring in to play together. What that means to me moving forward will depend on how life goes and what I figure out along the way.

Ageplayer has jumped! A few years ago I probably would have boaked a little seeing ageplay creeping up, but honestly now I’m not surprised. Over the last couple of years I’ve come to understand and enjoy ageplay on my own terms and I really enjoy it. Especially aspects of it such as DDLG, which gives me a sense of safety and protection while still hitting some of my more taboo fantasies. I will eventually do a blogpost on Ageplay, but I’m not going to sugar coat it ladies and gentleman, it is a form of Edge Play and should only become part of your dynamic after negotiating boundaries and limits. It can be very healing psychologically, the same as many kinks, but if not handled well it can be very bad for your mental state.

Experimentalist dropped and that one I really didn’t expect. I’ve always considered myself to be open to loads of new experiences, and I enjoy experimenting, but apparently my brain is a little less in that space just now… according to the test anyway! Mind you, it’s still high, since none of my actual results are actually low, and I’ll explore more things as they come to me.

Looking at the bottom of the list, seeing Master/Mistress in bottom place is interesting. I’m not much for owning others and prefer the more maternal style of domination. Since Daddy/Mummy is up at 76% (about the same as last year) it just confirms that. Brat tamer being low is an odd one, but I don’t have any brats in my life to be taming currently, so goes without saying I’d be getting rusty. I also find that a lot of Brats (including myself) like physical funishments for being a Brat, and I’m not in a particularly sadistic headspace.

I’m actually glad to see Vanilla creep up from the very bottom of last years test. I’ve come to appreciate the feeling of soft, loving, gentle vanilla sex where I can just let my guard down and be entirely in the moment with a person who makes me feel safe. It’s something that I have only experienced with the guy in my life, and it’s very precious to me. Feeling loved and safe isn’t something I’ve had a lot of in my life, particularly from partners, so be with someone who enjoys cuddling me close, being gentle and telling me he wants to “make love to me” is very special. Vanilla isn’t a bad thing and for me its become something I crave as an aspect of my sex life in its own right.

So in conclusion, I’ve definitely become more submissive in the last year. I crave domination a lot more than I crave being a dominant, and I especially feel the urge and need to be more of a Good Girl for Daddy than I previously would have before. I would think that this is because I’m more focused on working on my (very wobbly) mental health. I’m more considerate of my own needs and wants than I have been before, which is scary but also very rewarding. It’s been a long and hard few years for me, but it’s good to see change happening, even if it’s just in the BDSM test. It points to growth, and I can’t be mad about evolving as a human.

So what about you guys? What does your test say? Has it changed in the last year or is it much of a muchness? If it has changed, how do you feel about it? Let me know in the comments.

As always,

Play safe and have fun 😉

Kitty xxx

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