Welcome to the world of a crazy, totally geeky weirdo made out of 90% tea and 10% witty repartee. Model, Kink Enthusiast, Spicy Accountant and Sex Educator.
Well Hello Again! Reintroducing Me To You!
Well Hello Again! Reintroducing Me To You!

Well Hello Again! Reintroducing Me To You!

Well hello my lovelies. I know I haven’t written in a while… actually I haven’t done much of anything for a while. Let’s just say it’s been a year and leave it at that. To break myself back into blogging again, as well as using my socials properly, this post is going to be a cute reintroduction of myself to you lovely humans who still do me the honour of following me on my weird journey through life.

To make this a little more interesting, I’ve asked my friends and followers to give me a few question prompts to answer. Lets be honest, introduction posts are usually pretty tedious, so I’m hoping this will help avoid that. Thank you to all you darling weirdos for humouring my request with great prompts. You know who you are, and I send hugs!

Firstly, for anyone who is new here:

Hi! I’m Kitty (she/her). I’m 32, my favourite colour is green and I drink more tea than is probably good for me. I’m a model, body positivity advocate, kink and sex educator and I make some really hot porn (if I do say so myself)! In my free time you’ll find me being the geeky girl next door. Talk to me about comics, anime, video games, books or any series with “Star” in the title and we’ll probably get on great. I love hitting the gym, going wild swimming when I can and generally being out in nature. Cats are the best animals, followed closely by foxes and dogs, but anything with fur and paws or scales and claws is good by me. Basically, I really should be living in a cottage with animals who do my chores when I sing!

Ok, now that boring bit is over, let’s move onto a few question prompts provided by my friends and followers!

If you had a billion pounds, what’s the first thing you would buy?

The very first thing I would buy would be a bungalow for my parents. My mum has bad hips and really struggles with stairs, and I know both of my parents have always dreamed about having a little cottage style bungalow near the coast. Given how much they have been there for me over the years, I’d love to be able to make one of their dreams a reality and generally make their lives easier.

What is your favourite position, and what position do you think is most overrated?

Favourite position is hard to choose because it totally depends on my mood! If I had to choose just one, it would probably be the Anvil position, or a variation of it. To save you googling, it’s the thrusting partner on top, with one or both of the receiving partner’s legs over their shoulders. It can be amazing for a hardcore feral fuck session, but it can also be done in a slow and gentle way, with lots of eye contact and kisses. That and it’s one of those positions that gives loads of stimulation to all of the good places, if you know what I mean 😉 Fuck me in that position while stimulating my clit at the same time and my pussy will take a screenshot of you and save you in the hall fame forevermore!

Most overrated? Reverse cowgirl. Sorry folks, but it does very little for me unless its in a very specific circumstance. If I’m on top, I want to be able to see your face while I’m riding you into insanity and I am remarkably indifferent to looking at your feet while I’m bouncing on your dick. Its only a good position if I’m doing it because a partner is really into it, if we’re doing some anal play at the same time or if they are sitting up and wrapping their arms around me and kissing my neck while I ride. Then it can be quite intimate and fun, but otherwise, it’s basically just a porn position that’s really only good if there’s a camera at the foot of the bed.

What’s your current hyper-fixation?

Oh this is an easy one! I’ve recently rediscovered my love of Lego. It’s an expensive hyper fixation (my bank account is cowering in fear!), but I can’t have real flowers in my house because of my cats and the Lego flowers are so damn pretty! I’m saving up to get the Rivendell and Barad-Dur sets, and I have all of the Lord of the Rings Brickheadz that are currently available… I might need new shelves to display everything soon. It’s such a first world problem, but it gives me the happy dopamine buzzes, so it’s worth it.

I’m also partial to the Pokémon Mega Bloks, but that should really be no surprise to anyone reading this! If it’s Pokémon, then chances are I want it in my life!

When did you realise you were polyamorous?

That’s a loaded question, but since I’ve had several people ask, I’ll try and summarise it as best I can. I think it deserves a post all to itself though, because it’s definitely a big topic to try and squash down into a paragraph or two. I’ve always known I love differently, but I didn’t know how to express it. In my early twenties I met a wonderful friend who was in a non-monogamous relationship. I was engaged and monogamous at the time, but she was the first person to describe love in a way that made sense to me:

“If you light a candle, using the flame from another candle, do you diminish the original candle or just create more light?”

It resonated really strongly with me and explained why I felt that my capacity for love was a lot bigger than I had been taught was appropriate. I didn’t actually do anything about those feelings for a very long time. My partner at the time had always pushed me towards opening our relationship, and it was probably our favourite pillow-talk fantasy. It took ten years of convincing on his part, until one day I decided that life was too short not to explore sex and love the way I wanted to. Unsurprisingly, I took to swinging and non-monogamy like a duck to water. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

That was over four years ago. Now I consider myself to float somewhere between solo-polyamorous and relationship anarchist. I find great joy in seeing the people I choose to be in my life happy, and knowing I bring them happiness in the capacity of whatever relationship I have with them (platonic or otherwise) fills my heart. Life should be about love and joy right? We should bring as much of it into this world as we can, as long as we can! To go back to the quote from my friend, I would like to create lots of light in my people’s lives, and I’m consistently grateful for the people who bring light into mine.

What did little Kitty want to be when she grew up?

Little Kitty wanted to be a writer, actress and artist. I always came back to those three things. I think I can say little Kitty got her wish, but definitely not in the way she would have expected! Afterall, I am a writer, a model/artist and an actress, even if the word actress is pre-empted by the word “mattress” 😛 .

If you were trapped on a desert island, what three sex toys would you bring with you (assume you have a single plug socket on the island)

I do love the addition of the single working plug socket, because that changes my answer drastically!

First would be my Doxy Die Cast 3 plug in wand. When I say that wand packs a punch, I’m not joking around. it’s a tiny powerful pocket rocket. I can use it through a pair of jeans and still cum like crazy in only a few minutes. It’s one of the most powerful wands available on the UK market, so I’d highly recommend.

Second would be a (very boring I know) classic dildo. Not a monster cock or anything like that, just a standard dildo that looks like a normal penis and balls. If I were trapped on an island, I’d miss being able to fuck a real guy, and a realistic dildo would just make my pussy feel more at home y’know?

Finally, if I can have any sex toy, I’d have a fucking machine to attach the previous realistic dildo to, so I could enjoy all the sensation of being fucked when I’m too lazy to fuck myself with the dildo. Got to keep the lions share of my energy for trying to escape the desert island after all!

If you were a flower, which one would you be?

I would love to say I would be something pretty and delicate like a lily (my favourite flower) or a daisy, but that would be straight-out lying. I’m definitely closer to something that’s got thorns or prickly leaves. I’m a little too quirky to be a rose… but I guess I could be a black rose and lean into my witchy goth girl vibes? Honestly though, I think I’m probably a bramble. The fruit is delicious and very good for you, but you’ll definitely get bloodied a little trying to pick them.

Which of the Powerpuff Girls are you most like? Same with Sailor Moon and Totally Spies!

Oh god! Questions like these are always hard, because there is a difference between who I would like to be and who I’m probably most similar to. If I had to choose which Powerpuff Girl I wanted to be, it would be Bubbles, simply because I want to live in a happy bubble of colouring pens, plushies and joy! But lets be real here, I’m Blossom. A bit of a bossy pain in the ass with a mothering protective nature who hates last minute plan changes.

Totally Spies, I’m definitely Sam. For the same reasons as I’m Blossom in the Powerpuff Girls. It’s probably the traits of being a big sister that does it more than anything else really.

Now Sailor Moon isn’t fair because there are too many characters that I love to make a decent choice for who I’m most like, so I’m going to do an online buzzfeed quiz to figure it out and we’ll see what that says. Y’know, because Buzzfeed quizzes are clearly science :-P. And according to this very scientific method, I am Sailor Jupiter. I’m not mad about that honestly! Loyal, confident, protective and a hopeless romantic. Sounds familiar to me. It nicely skips over my other major traits: clumsy, awkward, anxious and overly opinionated.

What’s your favourite pizza toppings?

I enjoy all types of pizza, but my favourite is a barbeque base, with chicken, pineapple, jalapenos, onions and peppers. I’m also partial to spinach, caramelised onions and goats cheese on pizza. Nom nom nom.

If you were a member of Starfleet, which position would you most be able to fill?

Just a little FYI, I’m actually a member of the Star Trek International Fan Club. I’m a medical officer, with rank of Lieutenant. Yes, I am in fact THAT nerdy and I am proud of it, thank you very much! However, although I think I would be a very good medical officer, I probably fill the role of Security Chief better. I have a little too much temper on me for effective bedside manner and I don’t have the patience a doctor needs.

If you could work with any five creators, who would it be and why?

Only five?! That’s not fair! I don’t collab often, but it is something I want to do more of in the future. I’m really picky on who I choose, but there are a lot of amazing creators out there that I’d love to work with given the chance, and all for different reasons. So in no particular order, here are five people I’d love to work with:

Firstly we have Rebecca Goodwin. Honestly, I want to work with her because she is fucking hilarious. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, and the porn she creates is utterly stunning. I admire her work ethic as well as her ability to mix porn and comedy! That and she’s a hot redhead, and I have a weakness for hot redheads. I think I’d end up fangirl gibbering if I ever met her though. We were both at XBiz Amsterdam last year and I was far too shy to go and say hi to her. I would have ended up saying “hi…” like that Stitch meme and then running away. Guaranteed!

Another amazing woman I’d love to work with is Taylor Ryan. Besides being beautiful, Taylor is such a talented businesswoman. I feel like I could learn so much from her on that level. Particularly from the perspective of a self-employed neurospicy sex worker (or as she calls it “an autism powered fuck-machine”). Her openness about her journey is so inspirational! She runs a course for sex workers called SX Creators, where she shares loads of tips and tricks to expand your business safely and successfully. I love that girl power bad bitch energy!

Sticking with the girlies, another amazing woman I want to work with is the adorable Evie Rees. We met at Xbiz Amsterdam last year, but I’d been following her for ages before that. Cute, nerdy and sweet doesn’t even begin to describe her, but it is a good start. Making a load of silly Pokémon or general cosplay content with this creative genius would be a dream come true! She’s so authentically herself in her content and I just adore that.

I couldn’t do my top five without adding in the beautiful and lovely Alice Lovegood. We’ve been mutuals for a while, and I really admire her! She’s manifested the life she wants in a beautiful way, while sharing that journey with her audience. Her honesty, humour and educational content on kink, sex and relationships is just amazing. If you don’t follow her, you should! Her content is also hot as fuck… just saying 😉

Finally, I would love to work with the tiny and strong as fuck muscle mamma that is Peta. I won’t lie to you, she is proper Muscle Mummy life goals. She cute, funny and lifts more than double my body weight (insert squeaky fangirl squee here). If I can’t collab with her, I would at least like to train with her, just once, and nerd out over the gym and geeky things. Yes… that would be fun!

I didn’t mean to only mention women, but I guess I’m in girl season at the moment. It is pride month, so it’s fairly apt. I do have a list of male (and male presenting) people I’d love to collab with, but I think I’ve fangirled enough for one day, and this question is taking up enough space as it is!

If you could speak any other language , which one would it be?

Japanese! No hesitation there. I’d love to be able to watch anime in the original Japanese without having to constantly read the subtitles. Unfortunately, I kind of suck at languages. I’ve tried to learn loads of different languages, but for some reason my brain just doesn’t retain anything further than the basics for any length of time. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve yeeting my phone across the room because I’ve fallen out with Duolingo. That little owl is going to get turned into a hat one of these days!

What’s your top five exercises in the gym?

Ahh! This is a hard one. Honestly it depends on my mood, current goals and what time of the month it is (women, periods, cycles blah). However, I’ll answer with the five exercises I’ve been enjoying the most over the last few months. I just hope my PT doesn’t read this and get any evil ideas…

Starting off with Bench Press. I’ve always loved bench press, probably because I build in my chest, back, shoulders and arms very quickly. One of my goals for the year is to be able to bench my body weight (approx 70-75kg last time I checked), so its an exercise I work and focus in on at least once-twice a week. Currently I’m doing 50kg as my top set for reps, and it’s getting pretty smooth, so it’ll be time to up it again soon.

Next would be Leg Press. Why? Because I can move a fuck tonne of weight on leg press and it makes me feel like a strong and mighty bitch every time I do it. My top set is currently 265kg for reps. I think I get a nice endorphin hit after leg press too, because I’m always happy and bouncing when I finish. Well… maybe not bouncing, more like crawling, but you get the point.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, and although I don’t think you can count it as a singular exercise, I do love my core HIIT sessions. During them, I hate it with a fiery passion, but the endorphin rush afterwards is second only to a good run or spin class. I’ve also seen a lot of development in my general core stability/strength since my PT put it into my program, which is a huge deal for this wibbly wobbly hypermobile bitch.

Next would be Assisted Pull-Ups. Assisted by either using the machine for longer sets, or resistance bands for negatives. I’m building up to that ever elusive unassisted pull-up and I’m getting close! I’ve not been able to do a full unassisted pull-up since I was about 19, and I have every intention of getting back there before the end of 2024. In a similar vein, I also enjoy Deadhangs, which helps release tension in my shoulders and helps my grip strength (giggity).

Finally, although I prefer to run outside, I do enjoy interval training runs on the treadmill. When I’m angry or generally in a bad mood, which is fairly often, few things help me release some of that anger better than putting on my “fuck the world” playlist and smashing out a run. It helps my brain go zen, and I just forget everything but keeping my legs moving, my breathing and the music.

If you could live in only one season for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Autumn all day every day! Yes, I am that basic bitch who loves Halloween, wearing oversized cardigans and kicking piles of fallen leaves. I shall not apologise for that.

If you could travel with any of The Doctor’s regenerations, which would it be and why?

If I choose two of them is that cheating? Ahh, fuck it, it’s my blogpost and I’ll do what I want.

From Classic Who, I would choose the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee. He was my first introduction to Doctor Who. When I was a kid I used to get up at silly o’clock in the morning, make myself cereal and then settle down on the sofa to watch Blake 7, and then classic Doctor Who reruns on UK Gold. I might have just shown my age a little there… oops. Anyhoo, my dad recorded them on VHS and I used to rewatch them over and over again. I remember how much I loved Jon Pertwee’s Doctor. He was clever, witty and passionate, but he could also kick ass when required. He never held back when he knew he was right, but he was remarkably kind. That encompasses what The Doctor should be for me. He’s the sort of Doctor that helped the people around him be better. I admire that.

For modern Who, it would be the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. No new Doctor has spoken to my soul the way his Doctor did. I found his Doctor to embody all of the things that I felt while watching Pertwee as a kid, but with angrier eyebrows. He was a much more emotional Doctor and far more complex than his modern counterparts. I will die on the hill that the best episode of modern Doctor Who EVER is “Heaven Sent.” I can’t watch that episode without sobbing every single time. He was grumpy and dark on the outside, but I think on the inside he was the most gentle of all the regenerations. My favourite Doctor Who quote ever came from his regeneration scene: “Never be cruel, never be cowardly… and never, ever eat pears! Remember… hate is always foolish… and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”

On the subject of nerdy things… DC or Marvel and why?

That’s not an easy question because both have pros and cons. I am leaning more towards Marvel, simply because I grew up with more Marvel influence than DC. Spider-man is my all time favourite hero and my favourite villain, or antagonist if you want to be more accurate, is Magneto, so I’m definitely leaning more towards Marvel in those terms. I do love DC though and, like many people in my age group, I grew up with Batman as a big part of my childhood. They both have merits, and if the MCU hadn’t went so sharply downhill since Endgame, I’d probably say Marvel, but honestly between comics, films and tv series I’d probably have to put them on a pretty even footing for me.

What is the ultimate fantasy porn scene you’d love to create?

Ok, if you’re not into dark kinky fantasies stop reading now! Although if you’re on my blog and you’ve read this far then you’re probably in the same camp of kinky weirdo as I am.

I’d love to create a scene of being a free-use sex and breeding doll, controlled using some sort of hypnosis or mind control. I imagine the scene starting with me coming into a hypnotherapist or psychologists office and having them brainwash me into stripping and fucking them like a bitch in heat. Then being packed off like a doll to be given to the highest bidder as an obedient brainless sex slave. Add in a level or orgasm control and that would be hot as fuck!!

Of course this scene would have to be very very well negotiated, with safety, safewords and limits in place to make it work. Consensual non-consent is not something to take part in lightly. Always practise Risk Aware Consensual Kink and negotiate accordingly.

What’s a goal you still want to achieve this year?

Besides my fitness goals, which I’m making good headway towards, my main goal is quite simply to be a better version of myself at the end of 2024 than I am at this point. As I said at the start of this blog its been a year and has not been without it’s difficulties. I’d like to end this year being able to say that I am stronger than I was at the start of the year, both emotionally and physically. Anything else is gravy.


Ok, so now you guys have had a little reintroduction to who I am, hopefully you know me and my weird head a little better 🙂 Again, thank you to my lovely friends and followers who provided questions for me to answer, you are wonderful!

Now make sure you follow all of my socials, and if you feel so inclined, subscribe to one of my spicy pages. It’ll make me happy and you’ll get to see me being naughty 😉

Love and cuddles,

Kitty xxx


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